Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Some Inspiration

I'm going to mention Patty Griffin today. I was looking at some performances of hers on YouTube today, and I fell in love with her music all over again. I haven't listened to it regularly for quite some time, but I think I will start doing that again. I get inspired each time I listen. Her songs don't make me sad anymore with past memories - they make me think.

Even though we have probably been through entirely different experiences, I can relate to a lot of her lyrics. Something I've heard today has really caught my attention. It's a small part of one of her songs, but it's significant. The line says,
"But then I go on again, because you asked me to."

Love it... This last month or so has been rather difficult, and I haven't wanted to write on here at all. I guess I've just been thinking that I couldn't exactly share any aspect of positivity, that it would probably all be really depressing or something. But I guess it's ok for things to not always be great, for life to go up and down some. I'm not saying now that everything will change because I've heard this one line from a song, but it has made me think a little more about my mind and how I've been succumbing to everything. People tell me to keep going and to keep fighting, and sometimes I feel like no one understands how difficult things can be. However, they are certainly still correct - I have to keep going; I have to keep fighting, even when I really don't want to, even when I'd rather give in. I have many amazingly encouraging, helpful people in my life, and maybe I need to start trusting them a little more. Maybe they do know what they are talking about. Maybe I shouldn't trust myself all the time, because my sight is blurry and foggy. I have a lot of trouble finding genuine clarity. People keep fighting for me, so I just might need to start fighting for myself. 

[Because you've asked me to, I will go on again.]